Our Principles
Our Principles
At RAM AI, we consider it our duty toward all stakeholders to help fulfil a clear sustainable objective. We have made efforts to progressively integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) elements across our existing fund range over the past few years, recognising both the escalating environmental issues and the unique investment opportunities they create over the longer term. We are committed to progressively decarbonising our investment portfolios and proposing unique solutions that tackle Climate Change to our investors, such as our RAM Stable Climate Global strategy.
We are making continuous efforts across all areas to deliver on our sustainable objective, whether it relates to our investment strategies, interaction with counterparties, or day-to-day operational activities. We believe it is only through this constant endeavour that we can achieve sustainable growth.
Furthermore, we collaborate closely with our stakeholders to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Socially Responsible Investment Policy
All our funds are managed in accordance with our Socially Responsible Investment Policy (SRI). The Policy is approved by the Board of RAM AI.
SRI Committee - Driving the ESG effort
The RAM AI SRI Committee is responsible for overseeing ESG initiatives ranging from Corporate Socially Responsibility, Active Ownership (Voting & Engagement) to ESG Integration. The RAM AI SRI Committee is composed of employees from all departments with different expertise, including Fund Managers and Analysts, as well as Operations, IT, Marketing and Legal & Compliance. We are particularly proud of the dedication and convictions of all our employees in promoting sustainable values across all our business activities.
History of Sustainability
RAM AI’s SRI commitment officially started in 2014 when we became a signatory of the internationally-recognised Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). However, by 2014, RAM AI already had a longstanding sustainable commitment, SRI policies, ESG exclusion lists and integration efforts.

We are signatory of the 2023 CDP Non-Disclosure Campaign, to directly engage with 1,607 highest-impact companies to report on their environmental data.

We hosted the challenge 'Build a Bad Buzz Factory for ESG Controversy Detection!' at the Sustainable Finance Hack 2022.

We presented at the Building Bridges 2022, a joint initiative dedicated to advancing sustainable finance during which we introduced NLP and its use in the sentiment analysis of companies' ESG reports.

We were lead partner of the Geneva Trialogue, which organised a discussion on how AI can help integrate sustainability in the investment processes.

We have joined the 2022 Global Investor Statement advocating for governments to enact ambitious policies addressing the climate crisis.

As a member of the CDP nondisclosure campaign, we added our voice to CDP's Science-Based Targets (SBTi) campaign.

Investment Week Awards, RAM selected among 2019 finalists for: Best thought leadership paper on sustainable investing.

Active Ownership - Increase our collaborative engagement network

Collaboration & Teaching - Strengthening links with academics and community sharing initiatives. Testing of new databases and sources.

ESG White Paper & PRI Report - Sharing our first ESG White Paper covering pitfalls and solutions. RAM AI's First PRI Report.

SRI Policy Implemented - Implementation of Voting & Engagement policies and Carbon Footprint scoring. RAM AI becomes a CDP member.

SRI Committee - Creation of the SRI Committee at RAM AI. Corporate & Green policies approved and implemented.

UNPRI & Philanthropy - RAM AI solidifies its intent to align itself with the UNPRI by becoming a signatory. Launch of the RAM Philanthropy.

GSI Launch - Launch of the GSI strategy which aims to offer investors a dualistic approach to income stocks on a global basis.