

11 May 2017

RAM (Lux) Tactical Global Bond Total Return received 2 Awards by GELD-Magazin Alternative Investments AWARD 2017

News Awards

The RAM (Lux) TACTICAL FUNDS - Global Bond Total Return Fund gained 2nd Place in the 1 year performance assessment bracket in the category Hedge Funds –Fixed Income Strategies –Volatility < 3.


The RAM (Lux) TACTICAL FUNDS - Global Bond Total Return Fund gained 3rd Place in the 3 year performance assessment bracket in the category Hedge Funds –Fixed Income Strategies –Volatility < 3.


The GELD-Magazine has already awarded the Alternative Investments Awards for the 15th time in a row. We are pleased to inform you that the evaluation has been completed for the category "HEDGEFONDS" with data as of 31.12.2016.