

12 August 2024

Celebrating 15 Years of Achievement in Emerging Markets

As we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the RAM Emerging Markets Equities strategy, we reflect on a journey marked by innovation, research focus and remarkable performance. Our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge deep learning technologies and an unrivalled understanding of market inefficiencies have positioned us at the forefront of emerging markets investments.

Strategy Edge

The RAM Emerging Markets Equities strategy is a differentiating solution, offering key advantages:

our strategy edge

Particularly important at this time is our ability to mitigate risks associated with large thematic, country, sector or single stock bets. While many competitors focus on size, favouring a few mega-cap or country bets, our systematic approach allows us to evaluate the underlying fundamental quality of each component of the universe, rank their alpha potential and optimise portfolio composition to obtain a well-diversified high-alpha portfolio. 

Having integrated AI early in our process and refined our models over time, notably in the field of Large Language Models ('LLM'), we continue having an edge on alpha forecasting, that translated over time into repeatable consistent alpha generated.

Outstanding Performance

Since its inception, the RAM Emerging Markets Equities strategy has consistently outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets TRN$ Index, delivering an impressive annualised return of 9.0% compared to the benchmark's 4.2%. This significant outperformance has been achieved despite volatility being 1.5% lower than the index. To put it into perspective, for each $1,000 invested in this strategy on day one you would now hold  $3,660, while investing in the most commonly traded Emerging Markets passive ETF would have left you with less than $1,650: a strong rebuke to the commonly held view that active management never proves its worth over the long-term! 

Beyond performance, the RAM Emerging Market Equities strategy provides a diversifying exposure to emerging market economies, with much less concentration risk than a passive market-cap-weighted index.

RAM EM Equities Cumulative Return
RAM Emerging Markets Equities

Table & Figure: IP USD share class currently registered in LU, AT, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, UK, IT, NL, NO, SE, SG (foreign restricted recognised scheme). Please click on the following link to access the fund factsheet and obtain a global overview of performance since inception RAM (Lux) Systematic Funds - Emerging Markets fund’s (hereinafter ‘the Fund’) (Class-IP USD net of fee*). Source: RAM Active Investments, data as of July 2024. *net of 1% of management fees. **Since July 2009

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, we remain committed to our research agenda, constantly enhancing our investment process, leveraging the latest technological advancements. Our goal is to continue delivering strong risk-adjusted returns and providing our investors with the most efficient approach to capturing opportunities in the dynamic and evolving landscape of emerging markets.

Here's to the next 15 years of achievement with the RAM Emerging Markets Equities Strategy. Thank you for being part of our journey.


Important Information
The Emerging Markets Equities Fund is a Sub-Fund of RAM (Lux) Systematic Funds, a Luxembourg SICAV with registered office: 14, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg, approved by the CSSF and constituting a UCITS (Directive 2009/65/EC). Mediobanca Management Company S.A. 2 Boulevard de la Foire 1528, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is the Management Company.
The information and analyses contained in this document are based on sources deemed to be reliable. However, RAM Active Investments S.A. cannot guarantee that said information and analyses are up-to-date, accurate or exhaustive, and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from their use. All information and assessments are subject to change without notice.
This document has been drawn up for information purposes only. It is neither an offer nor an invitation to buy or sell the investment products mentioned herein and may not be interpreted as an investment advisory service. It is not intended to be distributed, published or used in a jurisdiction where such distribution, publication or use is forbidden, and is not intended for any person or entity to whom or to which it would be illegal to address such a document. In particular, the investment products are not offered for sale in the United States or its territories and possessions, nor to any US person (citizens or residents of the United States of America). The opinions expressed herein do not take into account each customer’s individual situation, objectives or needs. Customers should form their own opinion about any security or financial instrument mentioned in this document. Prior to any transaction, customers should check whether it is suited to their personal situation, and analyse the specific risks incurred, especially financial, legal and tax risks, and consult professional advisers if necessary.
Note to investors domiciled in Singapore: shares of the Sub-Fund offered in Singapore are restricted schemes under the Sixth Schedule to the Securities and Futures (Offers of Investments)
(Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations of Singapore.
There is no guarantee that the holdings shown will be held in the future. The investment described concerns the acquisition of shares in the Sub-Fund and not in a specific underlying asset. Past performance is not a guide to current or future results. There is no guarantee to get back the full amount invested. The performance data do not take into account fees and expenses charged on subscription and redemption of shares nor any taxes that may be levied.
RAM Active Investments may decide to terminate the marketing arrangement in place in any given country in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC.
Leverage intensifies the risk of potential increased losses or returns. Changes in exchange rates may cause the NAV per share in the investor's base currency to fluctuate.
Please refer to the Key Investor Information Document and prospectus with special attention to the risk warnings before investing. For further information on ESG, please refer to and the relevant Sub-Fund webpage (section ‘sustainability-related disclosures’). The prospectus, constitutive documents and financial reports are available in English and French while PRIIPs KIDs are available in the relevant local languages. These documents can be obtained, free of charge, from the SICAVs’ and Management Company’s head office and, its representative and distributor in Switzerland, RAM Active Investments S.A. and the relevant local representatives in the distribution countries.
This marketing document has not been approved by any financial Authority. A summary of Investors’ rights is available on:
This document is strictly confidential and addressed solely to its intended recipient; its reproduction and distribution are prohibited. It has not been approved by any financial
Authority. Issued in Switzerland by RAM Active Investments S.A. (Rue du Rhône 8 CH-1204 Geneva) which is authorised and regulated in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). Issued in the European Union and the EEA by the authorised and regulated Management Company, Mediobanca Management Company SA, 2 Boulevard de la Foire 1528 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The source of the above-mentioned information (except if stated otherwise) is RAM Active Investments SA and the date of reference is the date of this document, end of the previous month.

Legal Disclaimer

This document has been drawn up for information purposes only. It is neither an offer nor an invitation to buy or sell the investment products mentioned herein and may not be interpreted as an investment advisory service. It is not intended to be distributed, published or used in a jurisdiction where such distribution, publication or use is prohibited, and is not intended for any person or entity to whom or to which it would be illegal to address such a document. In particular, the products mentioned herein are not offered for sale in the United States or its territories and possessions, nor to any US person (citizens or residents of the United States of America). The opinions expressed herein do not take into account each customer’s individual situation, objectives or needs. Customers should form their own opinion about any security or financial instrument mentioned in this document. Prior to any transaction, customers should check whether it is suited to their personal situation and analyse the specific risks incurred, especially financial, legal and tax risks, and consult professional advisers if necessary. The information and analyses contained in this document are based on sources deemed to be reliable. However, RAM AI Group cannot guarantee that said information and analyses are up-to-date, accurate or exhaustive, and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from their use. All information and assessments are subject to change without notice. Investors are advised to base their decision whether or not to invest in fund units on the most recent reports and prospectuses. These contain further information on the products concerned. The value of units and income thereon may rise or fall and is in no way guaranteed. The price of the financial products mentioned in this document may fluctuate and drop both suddenly and sharply, and it is even possible that all money invested may be lost. If requested, RAM AI Group will provide customers with more detailed information on the risks attached to specific investments. Exchange rate variations may also cause the value of an investment to rise or fall. Whether real or simulated, past performance is not necessarily a reliable guide to future performance. The prospectus, key investor information document, articles of association and financial reports are available free of charge from the SICAVs’ and management company’s head offices, its representative and distributor in Switzerland, RAM Active Investments S.A., Geneva, and the funds’ representative in the country in which the funds are registered. This marketing document has not been approved by any financial Authority, it is confidential and its total or partial reproduction and distribution are prohibited. Issued in Switzerland by RAM Active Investments S.A. which is authorised and regulated in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). Issued in the European Union and the EEA by the authorised and regulated Management Company, Mediobanca Management Company SA, 2 Boulevard de la Foire 1528 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The source of the above-mentioned information (except if stated otherwise) is RAM Active Investments SA and the date of reference is the date of this document, end of the previous month.